The newly designed Gen 4 Shock tower vent is an amazing vent for getting air inside the panel and across the clutches. They are built like all the other Xtreme Air Vents. The clutch side vents come with OEM spec waterproof material between the aluminum and the mesh. Exahust side vents don't come standard with the waterproof material to take better advantage of air flow. It can be added to the exhaust side vents at no extra charge. Note: EXTREME Caution must be used while installing this vent (possibility of puncturing the new oil reservoir).
Exhaust side pre-filter option - This option adds an extra layer of pre-filter to the exhaust side vent. The Clutch side vent always comes with the extra layer.
Kit Includes: 1ea - Shock Tower Vent (Clutch Side (CS) and Exhuast Side Vent (ES), Rivets and back-up washers.